Everyone can have Good Posture!
Perfect posture sounds simple yet is one of the most common patterns of dysfunction that we see in our office. It can be a major cause for musculoskeletal injury, spinal degeneration and other health issues. Good posture can provide a number of health benefits and improvements to your physical appearance. Typical postural faults include hunch back, sway back, text neck, forward head carriage, uneven shoulder or hip levels, knock kneed or bow legs, upper cross and lower cross syndromes. Our chiropractors and therapists are very experienced and helpful in reviewing your posture and creating effective treatment and management plans to help you stand, sit and move correctly in alignment.
Benefits of good posture
- Correct alignment of bones, joints and muscles
- Reduce stress on ligaments
- Reduced chance of injury
- Improve energy levels
- Improved mood
- Breath better
- Easier digestion
- Reduced organ stress
- Better balance
- Better physical appearance
- Taller, thinner, younger, more confident
How we achieve it
Our approach to achieving perfect posture is about keeping things simple. To achieve correction, we identify the underlying causes and then take selective progressive steps in our care plan to achieve this. There can be a number of causes which we will identify through taking a detailed history and completing our clinics specialised physical examination. In this exam we will locate and show you where your bodies centre of gravity is and compare it to an ideal spinal alignment and normal posture. We will also do a variety of other examination techniques which will help identify reasons for your postural faults which will assist us with our diagnosis and corrective treatment plan. These tests include functional movement, chiropractic, muscular, orthopaedic, flexibility and strength tests. Further examination of your posture can include x-rays of the body with attention to the spine.
Book and appointment
If you are concerned about your posture or would like to help someone else we are here for your help. For a more detailed explanation we suggest your contact the clinic and arrange a time to see one of our posture experts.